Tana Bana text logo with Suruni, the mythological creature, half-lioness, half-eagle with sun on top of its head

The World Of Tana Bana | Welcome To The Origin Story

Chapter 1

In the heart of Rajasthan’s arid expanse lies Nawalgarh, where the desert breeze whispers secrets to ancient sands. Where the world of Tana Bana finds its origin.

Known as part of the Shekhawati region, Nawalgarh is often called India’s ‘open-air art gallery.’

It is famous for its elaborately painted havelis. These frescoes blend local culture, mythology, and everyday life, creating a vibrant tapestry of visual art.

In the 18th century, Thakur Nawal Singh, a descendant of the illustrious Shekhawat Rajputs, founded Nawalgarh. Strategically significant, the city quickly blossomed into a bustling centre of trade and commerce. Merchants and traders from distant lands brought with them a wealth of ideas and artistic influences. They laid the foundation for Nawalgarh’s architectural and artistic grandeur.

Wealthy merchant families, prospering through trade, invested heavily in artistic endeavours. They commissioned artisans to create detailed frescoes and embellishments, transforming Nawalgarh into a hub of artistic excellence. This patronage preserved and proliferated traditional Indian art forms, particularly the distinctive Shekhawati frescoes, known for their vivid colours and intricate details.

Who knew it would one day, be the core of the world of Tana Bana…

Chapter 2

Thakur Nawal Singh, inspired by the sight of his queen in her royal shringaar, envisioned a palace that would mirror her elegance. Thus, the Sheesh Mahal, or ‘Palace of Mirrors,’ was born. Every shard of glass and mosaic was carefully placed to create a symphony of light and colour, allowing the queen to see her beautiful self from all angles.

Even though we couldn’t find any evidence of their dialogue, we tried to put ourselves in their shoes and imagined their colloquy about the sheesh mahal.

We invite you to witness their tête-à-tête that one can imagine, would have gone something like this:

Thakur Nawal Singh: “My beloved Thakurani, I welcome you to your new Sheesh Mahal. Every mirror here reflects your beauty, captured from all angles, so you may always see how radiant you truly are.”

Thakurani: (smiling softly) “Nawalji, this is truly magnificent. The mirrors, the reflections—it’s as if countless versions of myself surround me. The way the light dances upon the walls is nothing short of magical. How did you conceive such a wonder?”

Thakur Nawal Singh: “Thakurani, the inspiration for this Sheesh Mahal came to me as I observed you admiring your reflection in a mirror held by one of your daasis. Your beauty captivated me, symbolizing the grace and elegance that defines our kingdom. I envisioned a palace where not only you but also the heritage and artistry of Nawalgarh could be eternally celebrated. By adorning the walls with mirrors, I sought to create a sanctuary where your beauty and the splendour of our culture could be reflected and admired from every angle. This Sheesh Mahal stands as a testament to our rich heritage and the timeless elegance that you embody.”

Thakurani: (with admiration) “Nawalji, your words touch my heart deeply. Every corner of this palace now tells a story of our legacy, and I am honoured to be a part of it. Indeed, the way the light plays with the mirrors is enchanting. It reminds me of how our ancestors used light and reflection to adorn their palaces, doesn’t it?”

Thakur Nawal Singh: “Precisely, my queen. The world will always know that I built the Sheesh Mahal for you and as a tribute to our ancestors’ mastery of light and reflection. Through you, I want to continue the tradition of celebrating beauty in all its forms.”

Thakurani: (blushing) “Your words are as beautiful as this palace, my king. Your vision fills me with pride. Nawalgarh’s culture, art, and beauty have always been interwoven, and now, they will reach even greater heights. Our legacy will live on, not just in our palaces, but in every piece of artistry that bears our influence. Together, we shall illuminate the world with the splendour of Nawalgarh, just as these mirrors illuminate this palace. The art from our land will be our gift to the world, a testament to the enduring beauty and art of our heritage. Isn’t it so, Thakurji?”

Thakur Nawal Singh: (embracing her gently) “Yes, my queen. And with your grace and elegance as our muse, Thakurani, people will always remember Nawalgarh. The Sheesh Mahal is merely the beginning. Together, our love is mirrored in the eyes of our people and in the legacy we build. But beyond all that, it is the quiet moments like this, in the glow of the Sheesh Mahal, that I cherish the most.”

Decades after this heart-to-heart, the Sheesh Mahal, with its dazzling array of mirrors, still stands strong. It’s not just a monument to their power but also to their enduring partnership, their commitment to their people, and their legacy. As seasons and generations passed, the grandeur of Nawalgarh lay dormant under layers of dust and whitewash, its tales hidden from view.

Chapter 3

One fine day, as dawn broke over Nawalgarh, the sleepy town felt different. The air crackled with magic and excitement. The soul of the town knew that the day had finally come for Nawalgarh’s untold stories to be revealed.

A gentle wind breathed life into the dust, moving it towards the Sheesh Mahal. The first rays of sunlight entered the palace. Each shard of its mirrors shimmered with anticipation, waiting for the sun to awaken their dormant magic.

The small waves of dust reached the steps of the Sheesh Mahal. The first rays of sunlight gently entered the intricate facade of the Sheesh Mahal. Each shard of its embedded mirrors shimmered with anticipation, as if today, they were waiting for the sun to awaken their dormant magic in them. In the main chamber, where the queen’s mirror stood proudly against one wall, a hushed sense of expectancy hung in the air. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the ornate windows, casting dappled patterns of light upon the marble floors.

As the minutes passed, the sunlight grew stronger, its golden tendrils inching ever closer to the mirrored surface. And then, with a soft sigh, the sunbeams finally reached their destination, bathing the room in a kaleidoscope of colours and patterns. At first, it was just a subtle shift—a flicker of light here, a hint of colour there.

But then, a moment of silence. 

Chapter 4

It was like the calm before the storm. The theory of immanence brought being witnessed in real life. The micro-second before the cosmic big bang.

And then… as if by some unseen force, the room erupted into a symphony of brilliance. As colours danced and twirled across the walls, drowning the mirror-embedded room in a swirling mass of colours. The small mirrors, now alive with life, were throwing off sparkles of sunshine across the room. They cast rainbow hues in every corner and crevice while projecting ever-changing patterns of shadow and light everywhere. Suddenly, like a brewing potion, the symphony of lights, wind and sparkles concentrated on the floor just in front of the large gilded mirror. Behind the mirror, the magnanimous portraits of Thakur Nawal Singh and Thakurani stood, watching as the magic manifested into reality.

Then, it happened. The creation, the Oeuvre, came alive. Its skin, smooth as a liquid mirror, absorbed the essence of its surroundings. The colours of the tinted windows, the mirrors, the sunshine itself. With every absorption, its skin shimmered like a thousand diamonds under the desert sun.

As it looked around and saw the life-size portraits of the famous couple and touched them, an alchemy occurred. It was as if by touching the portraits, all the time-forgotten stories, all those conversations had come rushing to the Oeuvre. The stories had found their perfect medium. They were now driving their newly gained soul forward to spread those stories as far and wide as possible.

Chapter 5

Equipped with a purpose, the Oeuvre stepped outside.

The myriad of sensations surrounding the Ouevre overwhelmed it. The blinding sun, the dust, the hot dry air, the sounds of the eagles flowing far above. It decided to venture out into the streets of Nawalgarh and embrace the nostalgia that every sight and sound would trigger.

Relishing all the memories, the Oeuvre passed every palace, every street. Until it came to a halt in front of a temple devoted to Sati Mata. Entering it, the Oeuvre was astounded by the waves of positive energy radiating from the place and entering its body. Upon further exploration of the temple, its gaze fell upon a majestic painting of a goddess sitting on a four-legged creature. Lion, it was called.

Mesmerised, the Oeuvre felt as if it were communicating with the lion in the image. Immersing itself in the essence of the painting, the Oeuvre absorbed the strength and grace depicted in the artwork. With a renewed purpose, decided to proceed on its journey beyond the confines of Nawalgarh. Into the vast expanse of the world beyond.

Chapter 6

As the Oeuvre ventured further into the barren desert, it encountered many guides along the way. When it got lost in the vast desert, an eagle screeched high above its head, its shadow casting a sharp silhouette against the bright sun and showing the way with precision. The eagle’s keen eyes and sharp instincts guided the Oeuvre through the most challenging terrains, instilling in it a sense of direction and clarity.

During the scorching days, the sun took it upon itself to strengthen the Oeuvre with its light and heat. A source of energy, its radiant beams invigorated the Oeuvre with warmth and strength as it moved during the day. The sun infused the Oeuvre with an otherworldly vitality, ensuring it never faltered on its path.

Wandering through bustling streets, the Oeuvre marvelled at the colonial-era buildings, their facades whispering tales of a bygone era. The Oeuvre’s journey took it to the serene banks of a wide river. Here, it paused to witness the daily rituals of the locals. The gentle flow of the river mirrored the calmness amidst the city’s perpetual motion.

The moon took over the sun’s role when night fell and darkness cloaked the desert. Reflecting the sun’s light with gentle luminosity, the moon provided the Oeuvre with a serene glow to navigate through the dark. Its silvery light created a magical path towards the megalopolis, leading the Oeuvre safely through the night.

Chapter 7

The Oeuvre headed into the vast urban expanse. Its innocent eyes took in the marvels of a city brimming with history and life. Dominating the skyline, a grand steel bridge stretched across the mighty river, its framework a testament to human ingenuity and resilience. This architectural marvel, teeming with people and vehicles, seemed to pulse with the heartbeat of the city.

Throughout its exploration, the Oeuvre noticed the iconic vehicles that dotted the city’s landscape. Bright yellow cars with black stripes weaved through the streets, their drivers expertly navigating the bustling traffic. Long, slender carriages glided along tracks laid through the thoroughfares, their bells chiming as they carried passengers to and fro. Nearby, the rhythmic clatter of steel wheels on rails echoed the city’s unceasing energy. A testament to the constant movement and life within. City of joy, the city’s name was Kolkata.

In this city of contrasts, the Oeuvre felt a deep connection. The landmarks, the sounds, the scents—all resonated with a timeless charm. It was in this place, amidst the dynamic interplay of heritage and modernity, that the Oeuvre found the perfect vessel for its magic. Its creation. Its Tana Bana.

The Story Continues…

Today, Shri Sudarshan Budhia, the Oeuvre personified, mesmerizes the world through his world of Tana Bana. The sarees crafted under this name are not just garments. They are philosophical expressions, each piece telling a unique story of culture, tradition, and creativity.

Sudarshan Budhia’s vision transformed Tana Bana into a symbol of timeless elegance and profound storytelling. Each saree brings the magic of Nawalgarh to life, enchanting people around the globe. The legacy of the Oeuvre, strengthened by the lioness, nurtured by the sun, and guided by the eagle, continues to inspire future generations with its beauty and brilliance.

Tana Bana sarees capture the soul of Nawalgarh. Weaving it into exquisite pieces that tell stories of tradition, innovation, and timeless beauty.

This is now the World Of Tana Bana.

~ The Beginning ~

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